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You Are Marvelous!

I started this year off with an assignment from God to speak positively about myself and others. To affirm who I am by speaking a wealth of good things over my life and the life of others. It’s easy to get lost in the brokenness of mistakes and past hurts. Sometimes a gentle reminder of who you are needs to be spoken aloud to yourself! Why aloud? Well, the disrespect of the enemy is never one that is silent! The enemy has a way to disrespect your character by highlighting flaws and insecurities! He will boldly disrespect you with or without your permission. Therefore you have a right to utilize your authority and assert yourself as a King's Kid. I teach my children Psalm139:14 which says (short version) that we are marvelous!

We who have been created in the perfect image of God are simply marvelous. Try to remind yourself of the positives! Don’t get lost and become a slave to negative thoughts about yourself or others! There is so much freedom being WHO YOU ARE created to be!

#I am marvelous and so are you!

#My Father loves me this..............much!!! (In my kiddy voice with my hands stretched wide)

Worshiping Victoriously,


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Wanda Johnson Lenhardt
Wanda Johnson Lenhardt

Thank you

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