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Releasing Old Seasons by Kasi Worships

Releasing Old Seasons

The bible gives reference to seasons about over 100 times. Now we know that in the physical sense we have our four seasons, but what about from the Spiritual aspect of things? Have you ever noticed that smells, sounds, or even conversations can remind us of a time when…… (fill in the blank). It is because that memory or a time in your life represented a season. There are a few scriptures that come to mind about seasons, but most of the time we hear these scriptures during funerals or major life events. Not all seasons represent death or tragedy. Some seasons represent a time of rest, reflection, happiness or joy. For example, the birth of a new baby would represent a time of happiness! It’s a time of sharing this new precious gift from God with family and friends. However, what about those seasons that were not so joyous? Should we just overlook them and be thankful that it is over? If I am in a not so happy season in my life what should I do?

What I’m learning is to recognize seasons just as they are. Then I make sure that my season recognizes the tools that God has given me to overcome! Acknowledge that some seasons will not always bring a reminder of great things. For those not so great seasons, I will say to us both, LET IT GO! Don’t try to regain control or the upper hand on things that didn’t go so well in that season by the rehearsals of “I should have” in your mind. Philippians 4:7 states, And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Use what you have! Your greatest weapon is that of guarding your heart and your mind through prayer and the reading of the God’s word! This isn’t a quick fix, but it is the remedy to all life’s illness and struggles. Mistakes, regrets, and old seasons will come and go! This is apart of life’s journey. Take the lessons within all seasons and apply them, but don’t dwell on it. In the voice of the old saints (seasonal reference) “Keep your mind on Jesus”! Release those old seasons from your present!

Victoriously Worshipping,


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