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Chew the Meat and Spit Out the Bones

Learn to check and digest the things that are good and spit our the things that are of no value to you!

Over the last couple of years, this has become a motto for me. I'm constantly reminding myself in my daily life to keep only the things that are of value to me and discard of the things that don't necessarily align with who God created me to be. This goes along with the words and actions of others!

Sometimes someone's viewpoint may be of some value to you! You may not always agree with how or what they say to you, about you, or their actions towards you. However, don't deny yourself the opportunity to grow. Listen carefully, but be slow to speak (James 1:19). There may be something of value that you can use to help sharpen you. However, if it doesn't align with the word of God and with your heart, discard of it quickly! This is what I've heard called "Chew the meat and spit out the bones". Know who you are for yourself, but be humble enough to allow iron to sharpen iron. Respect the ideas and views of others, but be well equipped to discern what's simply not for you! Discard of this viewpoint quickly!

Remember that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Be cautious with what you retain in your heart! However, when someone really shows you theirs...take note! There just may be something of value, but don't forget to spit out the bones.

I'd love to hear from you! What are some things you are discarding of this week?

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